Government Ayurveda College Kota

{Vaidya Daudayal Joshi Ayurveda Hospital, Talwandi, Kota}

Ayurved College Kota, which is located near commerce college and Talwandi circle Kota. It is located in a prime location of Kota city. A lot of land is available around the college, where various college related buildings and herbal gardens are proposed to be constructed. To benefit mankind through Ayurveda, we are working on the two main objectives of Ayurveda i. e. protect the health of a healthy person and to cure the disease of a sick person without causing any other disease. We are running many types of specialist medical services like OPD and IPD in our college, along with Panchakarma and Kshar Sutra and Shalakya therapy. The program of yoga practice for the general public is also run regularly by the college.

Our Facilities

  • OPD consultation by Ayurveda experts
  • IPD facility
  • Daily Yogabhyas
  • Anchal prasuta Unit
  • Jarawastha Unit
  • Frree medical camps
  • Yoga therapy
  • Naturopathy therapy
Shri Kalraj Mishra
Hon’ble Governer

Shri Bhajanlal Sharma
Hon’ble chief Minister

Shri Prem Chand Bairwa
Hon'ble Deputy Chief minister and Minister of Ayurveda & Indian Medicine
Dr Nityanand Sharma (M.D.)


SHALYA DEPARTMENT(क्षारसूत्र आदि शल्य उपक्रम)

The Shalya Department is importantDepartment of Government Ayurveda Yoga and Naturopathy College and Hospital Talwandi Kota Rajasthan...

PANCHKARMA THERAPY (पंचकर्म चिकित्सा)

Ostensibly the most eminent branch of Ayurveda is Panchakarma. The name Panchakarma literally means "Five Actions" which is well-suited given the fact that...

DIABETES FREE KOTA  CAMPAIGN (मधुमेह मुक्त कोटा अभियान)

Madhumeha (Diabetes) is a also known as silent killer. it is so dangerous disease, if not control or treated. Our Institute organizing a campaign named as DIABETES FREE KOTA...

SWARNAPRASHAN (स्वर्णप्राशन)

Swarnaprashan means the process of administration of ash of gold with honey and other herbal extracts in semi liquid form ISO...

SHALAKYA UPAKRAM   (नेत्र एवम नाक कान गला रोग उपक्रम)

Department of shalakya tantra perform all the procedures related to treat Eye, and ENT disorders like Tarpana Neti Nasyakarma etc...

FREE MEDICAL CAMP (नि:शुल्क चिकित्सा शिविर)

Institute organize free medical camps in different departments and as per need of people. Regular camps are organized as मधुमेह फ्री कोटा camp, swrnaprashan camp, Ksharsutra camps, etc

विश्व केंसर दिवस पर जागरूकता सेमिनार आयोजित

विश्व केंसर दिवस के शुक्रवार को राजकीय आयुर्वेद, योग एवं ..